
Hi, please take a quick read of my rules if you want to use anything found on this website!

Graphics Rules

1. Please credit me if you use graphics from this website, either with a link back to strangeheart.nekoweb.org or linking back to my graphics tumblr yourheartisstrange
2. No hotlinking! Please save anything you wish to use to your own harddrive and upload to your own webspace.
3. Please do not use my graphics on blogs or websites with bigoted or otherwise inflammatory content. Use on blogs or websites with 18+ or otherwise NSFW content is fine.
4. You may use my graphics on any site you'd like, but credit will always be required.

Resource Rules

1. While credit for my resources is not necessary I would still appreciate a link back either to strangeheart.nekoweb.org or my graphics tumblr yourheartisstrange
2. No hotlinking! Please save anything you wish to use to your own harddrive and upload to your own webspace.
3. Resources are available with the intent of being used to create new graphics with them. As such, I would prefer them to be used for this purpose, rather than being used just as is. Feel free to use them to make blends, icons, other graphics and even memes. Please do not repost my resources, or claim them as your own.
4. Please don’t use my resources to created bigoted or other inflammatory content.