
Hi, my name is Summer. I am in my 30’s, prefer to go by they/them pronouns (but I’m not really too fussed about it) and just in general very tired.

Graphics, particularly icon making, were a big part of my fandom experience as a teenage over on LiveJournal, and it’s one of the aspects I really quite miss. As such, this is my nostalgic return to “the good old days” I suppose. My graphic style is very my inspired by the sorts of things you used to find on LiveJournal back in the day, and I hope it might tickle the fancy of others.

In the making of graphics, I have also created a certain amount of resources in the process. This is mostly creating transparent shots out of screenshots & official artwork. I thought some people who enjoy making graphics may be able to get some use out of these resources, so I’ve decided to start releasing them for public use!

I hope you enjoy my graphics and find something of use here!

My Other Sites

Please note the majority of my other sites are 18+ and are intending for an adult audience!